Articles by Pat Holmes
He is Your Bridge/Be Encouraged
A song for those who are tried and in the fire
Dedication of Baby Z’aria
I was asked to be one of the godmothers to Z’aria Phillips. This is the video from the dedication service held at Harvest Time Church on Sunday, June 16, 2019.
Min. Pat speaks at Precept International Bible School (Commencement Exercise)
Sermon Title: Bones Fired! Being “fired up in the Holy Ghost and possessing His fire in your bones. In this message is the presentation of our heritage through the one who said we are flesh […]
Resurrection Day/April 21, 2019
Picture 1: My granddaughter Arielle and daughter Bengena Picture 2: Bengela and me Picture 3: A picture of me right before going to church Picture 4: My spiritual son Keith and my niece Keesha Picture […]
Precious Love by Min. Pat Holmes
May you be blessed by this music video!
Calvary’s the Reason Why (Music Video)
Minister Pat Holmes sings Calvary Is The Reason Why with video graphics!
Min. Pat Shares on Beware of “Flattery” and the Hebrew Mikvah (To Her Facebook Viewers)
Min. Pat shares on a special tool that the enemy uses against the body of Christ — the tool of “flattery.” She also shares the importance of the Mikvah as used by the Jewish people […]
Song: I Believe When Jesus Died, He Died for Me!
Min. Pat Holmes sings….may you be blessed!
12.02.18 Four Minute Video Clip/Cruise Highlights
We went to Cozumel, MX; Belize, Central America and Roatan, Honduras for a 7-day cruise. This is a four minute clip.
11.07.18 Wedding of Tammi King and Larry Frazier
My niece, Tammi King, on the Holmes side of the family said “I Do” to Larry Frazier on Wednesday night, November 7. This was a beautiful double-ring ceremony!
10.28.18 Special Event Honorning Min. Pat Holmes/Leadership Month October
Sis. Valerie met with me a little over a week ago and said “We don’t want you to cook for the Bible Study next week. We will do the cooking because October is the month […]