Covenant Bread Ministry
I’ll Meet You There/The Altar of Sacrificed Self
This teaching addresses the five offerings in the Tabernacle of Moses. You will learn how to extract the nectar from those offerings.
Sweat Equity
This teaching provides a powerful revelatory tool for you to use!
The Pass-Throughs and The Passover
This teaching was live streamed on Facebook. The teaching reveals several “types and shadows”. This teaching includes graphics and video clips. (04.01.21)
Wrapped Up in Yeserday
Min. Pat shared this teaching live with her Facebook audience of March 4th, 2021!
From Royal Courts to Righteous Cause
The story of Queen Esther and the Celebration of Purim!
Subject: Prophetic Puzzle Pieces
Min. Pat shared this teaching live on Facebook.
The Anointing of the Conqueror
Min. Pat ministered this in a live stream on Facebook.
Is the Blood on Your Hands!
This was live streamed on Facebook on February 4, 2021.
Broken Cistern Vs. Living Water
Min. Pat Holmes delivered this teaching in a live Facebook stream.
The Will of Man Vs. The Finger of God
This message was streamed live on Facebook; it shares biblical patterns that shed light on the election.
Releasing the Anointing in Prayer and Song Over Our Nation and Over Each of Us
Reading of the written word with prayer and a song.
Who is Hosting Your Table? (Min. Pat Holmes)
This teaching was streamed live to Min. Pat’s Facebook audience. This is a “soul searching” sermon!
Tom Cats and Their Toys (New Year’s Eve Message)
Min. Pat Holmes ministered this word on New Year’s Eve 2020!
That Holy Thing (Luke 1:35)
Min. Pat live streamed this teaching to her Facebook viewers.