2019 Annual TEA/The Eagles Assembly (December 28th)
This is being sponsored by The King’s Table Bible Study. All info is included in the commercial.
Min. Pat Sings Here We Are
This old song “Here We Are” escorts you into the presence of the King!
After All These Years/Min. Pat Holmes
This song was written by Pastor Del Way. I’ve always loved this song!
Days of Elijah (Music Video)
Min. Pat Holmes sings Days of Elijah!
The Blood Rushes by Min. Pat
This song is entitled The Blood Rushes to the Place that Hurts the Most; be blessed!
A Very Special Grace
I was digging in my large collection of cassettes when I found this old song. I immediately downloaded the lyrics and dropped it to camera. It blessed my soul and I pray you are blessed […]
My Goddaughter, Zaria Maci, is Now One Year Old
My goddaughter is now one year old!
Music Video/Holy of Holies/Min. Pat Holmes
I pray this blesses you as it did me. I wept as I watched.
Your One Minute Power Snack (08.08.19)
Proof of Purchase sermon!
Your One Minute Power Snack (08.06.19)
Hold on to the framework of the word of God!
Your “One Minute Power Snack” (08.02.19)
Minister Pat Holmes shares light on the Parable of the Lost Coin!
He is Your Bridge/Be Encouraged
A song for those who are tried and in the fire
Dedication of Baby Z’aria
I was asked to be one of the godmothers to Z’aria Phillips. This is the video from the dedication service held at Harvest Time Church on Sunday, June 16, 2019.
Min. Pat speaks at Precept International Bible School (Commencement Exercise)
Sermon Title: Bones Fired! Being “fired up in the Holy Ghost and possessing His fire in your bones. In this message is the presentation of our heritage through the one who said we are flesh […]