February 27, 2025

Pat Holmes

Life is full of transitions, isn’t it?

Are you in the midst of one?

I, and my prayer team, would love to stand with you and pray with you as you navigate this phase of your journey. I have experienced the power of the God of the mountain and the victories of the God of the valley. I and my team of ministers and prayer warriors are Bible believing saints of God.

We know the power of the Holy Ghost.  We know that God is the same today, yesterday, and forever. He is still a healer, a deliverer, a way maker, a counselor, a mind regulator, a heart fixer, a provider, the all powerful and all knowing God.

Send us your prayer requests and concerns and we will answer you with divine Biblical advice and stand with you in prayer and fasting as you transition to victory!

Contact Pat using the form below – with questions or prayer requests.

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  1. Woke Up This Morning Pat Holmes 4:51
  2. Precious Pat Holmes 5:51
  3. You Blessed Me With You Pat Holmes 3:33
  4. That's Why (Blood Let Down) Pat Holmes 3:07
  5. Hallelujah (Oh What Love) Pat Holmes 3:24
  6. Something Miraculous Pat Holmes 4:05
  7. Were You There Pat Holmes 4:29
  8. Secret Place Pat Holmes 6:46
  9. Here Am I 8:14
  10. Separate Me Pat Holmes 6:04