With “tears of joy” I post this pic. I proudly stood with others in the body of Christ as we wrestled in prayer and believing this day would come to fulfilment in our nation. The Lord assigned me to “gap stand” with others and to help “birth forth” His will on this earth. We fasted for long periods of time and mixed it with powerful nightly prayers for almost 2 years. As I write, we are finishing up a 21 day water and juice fast in a couple of days. I have learned much as I have watched this man, Donald J. Trump, persevere THROUGH IT ALL. The Lord was so gracious to give me several visions in the midst of the battle instructing me how to pray and stand and showing me upcoming testing times up the road. Much prayer will still be needed for his protection and the fulfilment of his destiny as he fights to restore our nation. Thank God for giving us leaders who believe in and speak forth the name of the Lord proudly and publicly!